On 18 & 19 January I was part of the FMB’s team at the Farnborough Homebuilding and Renovation Show. On the stand we spoke with hundreds of homeowners from across the region who all wanted to use a quality builder and were delighted when we talked with them about the FMB, our Master Builders and showed them our Find a Builder service.
Members make the difference

With thousands of people visiting the show over the two days, our members in the Ask an Expert centre were fully booked out to help homeowners with their queries. From questions on specific project plans to advice on work that’s already underway, homeowners were able to benefit from the experience, expertise and quality of a Master Builder.
My thanks to Geoff Anderson from Anderson Contractors Ltd, Nikki and Ross Lambert from Lambert Home Builds, Simon Banham from Aztec and Robert Lea from Berrywood Contractors Ltd for taking part in the show and the Ask an Expert area.
Packed audience for talk on how to choose a contractor
Across the weekend, numerous experts gave presentations on things ranging from timber frames to heat pumps but one of the biggest audiences (standing room only!) was for Robert Lea’s presentation on how to choose a contractor. Covering key points a client should consider, Robert’s presentation generated loads of questions during and afterwards and was a great example of the importance and benefit of members being involved in shows. My thanks to Robert for delivering the presentation.
Meeting members
One of the main things I enjoy about being at shows like this is the opportunity to meet members and last weekend was no exception. It was great to speak with Alex from Da Vinchi Developments, Chris from Collyer Construction Ltd, Graham from Extendout Design and Build Ltd Stuart from Sky Lofts Ltd and Ashley from AR Marks Contracts Ltd, thanks to them all for coming over to see us.
Want to get involved in future events, promote the FMB and your business?
With events taking place across the UK, there are always opportunities to take part in shows like this. If you’d like to find out more, just contact your regional Hub Director or email [email protected].