Customer testimonials

13 May 2017

Totus came highly recommended by a work colleague, and having met a long line of other recommended builders, we felt most confident in Andrew and Terry’s ability to meet our needs. They were extremely professional throughout the process from the very first meeting and very clear and honest in their communication, something which we feel sets them apart from the competition. The team brought more to the project than we could have imagined, often suggesting innovative design ideas, where we were struggling to find a solution. They very much tried to work with us and using their vast experience to guide us through the process and help us to prioritise when to make certain decisions. Given we were due to get married six months after Totus began work, keeping to strict timings was key. Even when we decided that we wanted to landscape the garden at the last minute and install a stone patio, Andrew and team managed to work around this and stick to the original deadline bringing in more people and working longer hours. We couldn’t recommend Totus highly enough and wouldn’t hesitate to use them again in the future, although next time round we’d avoid planning a wedding at the same time! - Mr. and Mrs. S.
