This free event is run by the industry for the industry as part of the UK wide Working Well Together (WWT) campaign. The FMB is a supporting partner of WWT and we are encouraging members local to Inverness to attend. FMB’s Scotland Director Gordon Nelson will be attending – so this is also an opportunity for members to meet Gordon.

The aim is not only to raise awareness of key health and safety issues facing the construction industry but also to give practical advice on how to avoid health risks created through work activity.

This event is a must for local contractors and their operatives.

Download the event flyer


  • 08:30- 09:00 Registration. Breakfast roll/tea/coffee.
  • 09:00-10:00 Welcome and introductions from Highland Construction Training Group, and Guest Speaker Prostate Scotland.
  • 10:10-12:00 Rolling program of practical demonstrations and presentations on the following topics: Asbestos, Construction Dust, PPE, Manual Handling, Keeping your site safe and secure, Fire in Construction.
  • 11:50 Soup & Sandwiches.
  • 12.15/12.30 Depart.

Booking information

To reserve places, please email [email protected] or call 07770 683636.