On Monday evening the FMB headed to Parliament, to launch our manifesto for the upcoming General Election - ‘Growth from the Ground Up’. The event gave an opportunity to highlight the challenges which the construction industry continues to face, and draw attention to the needs of SME builders.

In a packed-out room made up of politicians, industry experts, and FMB Members, we were delighted to be joined by the Minister of State for Housing, Lee Rowley MP, along with Tan Dhesi MP from the Labour Party, and Wera Hobhouse MP on behalf of the Liberal Democrats. The event was kindly sponsored by Openreach, and hosted by Conservative MP Natalie Elphicke.

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Natalie Elphicke MP welcomes the FMB to the House of Commons

What was said?

Chief Executive of the FMB, Brian Berry introduced the manifesto, and made the case for the next Government to deliver real change over the coming five years.

‘Growth from the Ground Up’ looks at a range of subjects, including; housing and planning, energy efficiency and retrofitting, skills and training, minimum standards and Licensing, and wider business resilience. Brian spoke about the clear need for planning reform with additional support for SME housebuilders, arguing that with the UK currently experiencing a housing crisis, now is the time more than ever to look to turbocharge growth.

He also set out the need for positive solutions to the challenges our country faces, with a long-term retrofit strategy for the UK; and the importance of introducing a licensing scheme to guarantee minimum standards in construction.

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Brian stressed the importance of delivering real change for the future of constuction

Housing Minister Lee Rowley MP spoke about the challenges that the UK faces in delivering the high-quality homes that people in Britain needs. Brandishing his copy of the manifesto, the Minister praised the positive ambition for the UK’s future which it sets out, highlighting the valuable work that the FMB does to champion the cause of SME builders and fight for real change.

The FMB works hard to support the construction industry, and to work with officials at the top level of Government to make sure our members’ voices are heard. The Government’s Housing Minister’s support at the launch of our manifesto is a clear sign that our message is cutting through.

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The Housing Minister was full of praise for the FMB's positive approach to driving house building

Tan Dhesi MP, a Shadow Business Minister and long-term supporter of the FMB’s work, spoke on behalf of the Labour Party, and we were delighted to welcome him back to another of our events. Tan set out his Party’s views on how they will look to tackle the housing crisis if elected to Government, and reiterated the importance of ensuring that setting high standards in construction is imperative for the future of our industry.

Introducing a licensing scheme to set minimum standards for construction, and to end the scourge of rogue builders, is something which the FMB has fought passionately for over a number of years, and we will continue to champion the importance of delivering this to ensure that builders who deliver a high-quality service to their customers receive the recognition they deserve.

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Shadow Minister Tan Dhesi MP made clear the importance of delivering high-quality homes to a high standard, alongside Brian Berry and FMB President Chris Carr

Wera Hobhouse MP, the Liberal Democrat Spokesperson for Energy and Climate change offered some insight into the challenges which the UK faces in retrofitting homes with energy efficient measures.

A key component of the FMB’s manifesto calls on the next Government to support the rollout of energy efficient measures, making the case for the introduction of a long-term strategy to map out the steps required to retrofit the UK’s homes, and for incentivisation to be provided for both industry and consumers, to kickstart a thriving retrofit construction sector.

As we head towards the next General Election, energy efficiency and environmental protection measures are likely to be one of the key issues, alongside housebuilding, and the FMB will continue to support our members to be at the forefront of change.

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The Liberal Democrats on the importance of retroffiting UK homes at pace

Why these events matter

The launch of the FMB’s ‘Growth from the Ground Up’ manifesto was a great success, with more than 100 industry stakeholders, MPs, Lords, and members joining us in the Churchill Room of the House of Commons.

We asked for the next Government to take the steps necessary to; significantly boost housebuilding; support the rollout of energy efficiency measures; encourage more young people to enter the workforce with skills, training and apprenticeships funding; introduce minimum standards to professionalise our industry; and to provide wider business support to SME construction firms facing a difficult economic climate. 

Events like this help to ensure that the voice of FMB members is able to reach the widest possible audience, and can be heard by the decision makers to ensure positive change for small, local builders. 

Thanks to all who took part...