2023 Green Homes Festival, Kitchen show group photo, GN with Alan Macaulay from James Alan Construction 2000px
2023 Green Home Festival: 3rd from right is Alan Macaulay from FMB member company, James Alan Construction with Gordon Nelson 1st on the right.

Earlier in September the FMB Scotland Board met online. Here’s a short summary for all members, of what was discussed.

  • Scotland President Alastair Raitt of HM Raitt & Sons Ltd welcomed new Board member Samantha Maccuish of Lilium Homes Ltd. Alastair then gave a summary of recent discussions held by FMB’s main Managing Board. This included plans for an FMB App, how the FMB is performing and the forthcoming Master Builder Awards finals and FMB’s National AGM which will be held online with all members welcome to attend.
  • We had an open discussion on how to grow FMB membership in Scotland. Suggestions included placing flyers and QR codes at builders’ merchants and for members to influence their sub-contractors into joining the FMB.
  • Scotland Director Gordon Nelson updated the Scotland Board on his activities which included the Green Home Festival, delivering a presentation to Scotland’s College Construction leads and a meeting with Housing Minister Paul McLennan MSP.
  • Trading conditions and materials: All present reported buoyant current workloads, with a healthy pipeline of works. Pam Wilson of Kevin Wilson Joiners and Building Contractors reported long lead times on tiles and large variation in costs between local builders merchants.
  • Workforce, skills and apprenticeships: All reported recent wage inflation and shared concerns that the productivity of operatives hasn’t seen a similar uplift.
  • Low Emissions Zones came under the spotlight. Members discussed the potential impact of these on their businesses and how / whether the FMB can influence potential exemptions for trade firms. Gordon Nelson is to host a discussion with other trade federations (representing plumbers and electricians) on the impact of low emissions zones in September.

The Scotland Board will next meet for an in-person meeting in Glasgow on 14 December.

If you have any questions about this article and the role of the FMB Scotland Board, please contact Gordon Nelson.